
Hip Care | Hip Surgery | Hip Replacement

Hip Treatment & Surgery

Hip pain can come at any stage of life, and the team at Fullerton Orthopedic is here to help you get back to the things you love. From nonsurgical treatments including medications and physical therapy to hip replacement surgery, our physicians and staff are among the best in the nation in treating hip pain.

We Treat

→ Fractures and Dislocations
→ Burning Thigh pain
→ Developmental Dilocations (Dysplasia)
→ Femoroacetabular Impingement
→ Hip Bursitis

→ Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip
→ Osteoarthritis of the Hip
→ Osteonecrosis of the Hip
→ Snapping Hip Syndrome
→ Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip

Preservation of Your Hip

Downs-Hip-FCPP-Fullerton-OrthoWe want to figure out the cause of your pain so we can give you the best treatment possible. Sometimes hip pain may be alleviated by nonsurgical methods like medication or physical therapy. In those cases our physicians and staff will provide a comprehensive treatment plan that includes testing, diagnosis, education, and treatment.

Hip Surgery

Over time the hip sees a lot of wear and tear to the cartilage. Eventually, due to injury, arthritis, or another congenital disease, that loss will need to be repaired surgically. You can count on Fullerton Orthopedic to work with you before and after the surgery to make sure you understand the pre- and post-surgery process, including recovery and physical therapy.

Hip Replacement Surgery: Anterior Approach

Hip-Imaging-FCPP-Fullerton-OrthoFor athletes, it’s important to get back to their active lifestyles as soon as possible. Their team, and often their future, depends on returning to the game and performing to the best of their ability. For these patients, the Anterior Approach may be the best option, since it typically results in less pain and recovery time. The surgery is done in a way that doesn’t disturb the muscles around the hip and pelvis, which leads to more freedom of movement after the procedure.